PA16 Michael and the Ring Of Fire
Queen Tia Tephi — Egyptian Goddess of Tara, using Her presence to invoke and ground the Light of Archangel Michael into the Land and the Ancestral Realms. Archangel Michael, the Warrior Archangel of Heaven. He carries the Divine vibrations of Strength, Protection, Truth & Justice. Archangel Michael is the Solar Archangel of the South. He carries the Topaz/Fire Ray to burn away impurities and uses His Sword of Light to release us from ties of fear & negativity. Archangel Michael is Lord of the Blue Ray of Divine Consciousness — He carries this deep into our Being to Awaken & Re-member the Sacred Memory of Divine Truth within us, to call into manifestation the Truth of who we are. Archangel Michael uses His Shield of Protection to prevent negative, old thought processes & patterns from hindering us on our Journey & Path of Wholeness & Truth.
At the bottom of the painting we see the Sacred Cairn of Tara — aligning with the Sunrise & anchoring the presence of the Sun God into the Land. This Cairn comes into alignment at the festival of Samhain and again on the celebration day of the Goddess Brigid. To the left of the cairn is Queen Meabh (Maeve)- Goddess of Sovereignty- entwined with the roots of the Sacred Hawthorn of Tara, the Doorway to the Faerie & Ancestral Realms. To the right of the Cairn we see the Ancient Sun God Lugh Lamhfada (Lugh of the Long Arm) —whom some believe is the earthly representation of Archangel Michael. He is shown holding the Sacred Sun Disc and beside Him is His Spear of Assal — The Magical Spear of Victory — one of the 4 Treasures of the Tuatha de Dannan. Around Lugh we see the Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny), the Sacred Stone of the High Kings of Ireland and the Double Ring fort at the Hill of Tara.
Text by Rob Hayes.