PA15 Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is one of the first Archangel’s that I ever worked with. He/She is as they all are extremely powerful and loving. Archangel Zadkiel is the channel of the ultra violet light. This energy is one of the most powerful and deeply protective energies that I know of. It literally transmutes and transforms negativity to light. It is particularly effective in releasing and transmuting fear and the negative affects of fear. For me the ultra violet flame stands for freedom, supporting the release of toxic fears, energies, connections and ties. By releasing the energy within and around the aura that supports fear you are liberating yourself to move into a higher vibration. To feel freer and more empowered, this is why I love the ultra violet light and Archangel Zadkiel. It doesn’t mean that as soon as you invoke this Archangel you will be suddenly set free. It means that with the right intention, working with this beautiful divine radiance, will support you to work through the heavier layers and levels within your body and within your aura and within your life. Eventually, if you are willing to do the work you literally lighten and brighten up in all ways! Archangel Zadkiel helps you feel mercy and compassion towards yourself and others, and let go of judgement and unforgiveness. I also find for those that are gently awakening to their natural intuitive abilities this beautiful energy can support you to cleanse any fears or negativity that may be affecting your inner and outer vision and awareness of the higher divine energies. I would recommend working with Archangel Zadkiel.