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AN29 Melchizadek

AN29 Melchizadek

Throughout history and every ancient religion, Lord Melchizadek is acknowledged as a deeply Holy man. Both King and High Priest, it is said that he was neither born nor died but just was. His name is said to mean “King of righteous”. There is much written of Lord Melchizadek. He is said to have prepared the way for the Christ energy. He is the first high priest mentioned in the bible and initiated many great teachers. I see him as a wise, loving and compassionate older man. He brings tremendous light when invoked. He was well regarded in the scripts and texts of old and has a strong connection with the Christ energy. He is linked to the divine masculine and the divine feminine.Jesus mentions the Order of Melchizadek in the New Testament. The order is said to compose of sacred high vibrational beings aligned with the supporting the light of humanity.Archangel Michael is said to be one of these. In many ancient texts Jesus was said to be the last high priest of the order of Melchizadek.

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