PG10 Eire at Uisneach
The Hill of Uisneach or Ushnagh is an ancient ceremonial site in the barony of Rathconrath in County Westmeath, Ireland. Since prehistoric times, the Hill of Uisneach has been the great assembly for the tribes and High Kings of Ireland. It was here that laws were made and disputes settled. A place of energy and renewal, people have been drawn here for over 5000 years. This was the seat of High Kings, a sacred site of worship, While it is not the exact geographical centre of Ireland, in Irish mythology it is often considered to be the symbolic center of the land, and is associated with the fire festival of Bealtaine. he burial site of the Earth Goddess Ériu, queen and patron goddess of Ireland around the time of the Milesian invasion. She was seen as the Goddess of Irish Sovereignty along with her sisters, Banba and Fódla. Ériu’s name is thought mean ‘earth, soil’ or ‘plentiful’, as well as ‘fat land’ or ‘land of abundance’. The Sun God Lugh is also thought to be buried there and as such, Uisneach was regarded as sacred ground.