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Lemon Grass 10ml

Lemon Grass 10ml

Lemongrass is best known for its efficiency to repel insects such as mosquitoes and fleas. However there is more to this oil than 'bugs-be-gone'. It is very refreshing as a footbath for tired feet and checks excessive perspiration. It is wonderfully cooling in feverish conditions. It awakens the senses and clears headaches and mental congestion. In Aromatherapy skin care it can be used to tone and tighten the skin, especially where open pores call for an astringent. Use with caution; people with sensitive skin may experience skin reactions.

Lemongrass oil can be used for purification of ritual tools. It can be added to cleansing water to purify a magical or ceremonial space. It is a good oil for meditation as it clears the mind, opens psychic channels and aids concentration. It can be used in divination and scrying practices. Lemongrass is a cheerful, light hearted oil that serves as a reminder to keep things in perspective and not take them too seriously. It energises any ritual with a gentle lift rather than a punch. It can be used to get in touch with the inner child. As a stimulating aphrodisiac it can be included in love potions and philtres.


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