Lavender Bulgarian 10ml
The favourite oil of aromatherapists, Lavender is incredibly versatile and useful. Because of its balanced nature, agrees with just about anybody. In aromatherapy skin care products it can be used for all skin types, but is particularly soothing for inflammatory skin conditions, acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis nappy rash and boils. It is an excellent first aid remedy for burns and prevents scarring. It is also very effective for treating insect bites. Lavender is used to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, though Lavender Spike is better suited for this purpose. It is a well known and singularly useful remedy for light-headedness or dizziness, and is even effective in fainting or as a first aid remedy for shock. Lavender can be used for depression, tension headaches, stress and anxiety.
Lavender is perhaps one of the best oils to use for purification, protection and for healing rituals. It calms and centres the mind and is a great aid for meditation. Its superior balancing qualities are ideal for chakra-balancing. It can be used to seal a platonic friendship, especially between teacher and student. Lavender is a plant of Mercury, and is well suited to calm an overactive mind and to stabilise emotions. It may be used for studying, as it may deepen understanding, but should be avoided in case of mental exhaustion (it will send you to sleep).